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Do you recall this jivy, bouncing music? If you’re old enough to remember a lot of the good rock bands bowing to the disco gods, then you’ll also remember becoming more and more disenchanted with rock music about that time. Can’t say I ever loved disco music, in all its goofy glory. But it had some fun moments (maybe it was the beer though!).

Too bad your savings and retirement planning didn’t survive the polyester shirts and tight pants. Or maybe you forgot your retirement planning with the busted disco ball in the basement closet. Either way, back when you were hearing “Shake Your Booty” you should have been saving your looty.

But if you’re anything like me, those days are a bit of a blur and your retirement account is asking for a couple of aspirin.

Not to worry. It’s never too late to get radical on getting out of debt and then saving like crazy. And I mean extreme if you remember disco music and you’re still behind the disco ball in your savings. If you need some ideas on how to get drastic, there are lots of ideas and resource links on this website or try some Boiled Down Money Goo, tips for propelling your financial future.

So…let disco come back in style. This time, you’ll be able to afford those frilly but fake polyester (real silk) shirts and look just as goofy in style. Oh, and here’s a little update on what the new disco could sound like (or what the old disco should have sounded like).

Dig this groovy tune?  Listen to or download the entire song at Box.net (click here).